Yay! 2 months gone and still alive. Today I had a day off and I went for a 2h walk outside because couldn't figure anything else to do haha. I would've had training too but my wrist is hurting quite a lot (again...) so I thought that I would keep a day off. After that I have just been chatting with friends and skyping with a Finnish friend and soon will Facetime with another one. But now that I had extra time and it's half term so we have no college or homework I thought that I could write about something and I've decided that the thing that I'm going to write about is the things that are different over here if you compare to Finland.
Normal English person eats only 3 times a day. Yes, this is really weird for me because in Finland I use to eat 5 times a day.. They don't have proper lunch over here or like an evening snack so they only eat breakfast, snack and dinner.
Snacks are really unhealthy. Okay I did know this before I came to England but still it's one of the differences. Ofc you can buy healthy snacks but they are more rare over here than in Finland. Usually over here they eat chocolate bars, crisps or cookies.
People don't keep heating on in their houses all the time. In Finland our heating is pretty much on all the time and it's the same with badminton halls.
Their bags for crisps always contains smaller bags so they don't have one big bag they have several smaller ones. In Finland we always have one bag and it's big if you compare to those 30g bags that they have here.
You can never predict the weather. It can just suddenly start raining and after 10min it can be sunny again. For example we had some kind of hurricane on last week's Tuesday..
You have a photo of yourself in your buspass. In Finland it's just a buspass no photos.
Most of the people over here speak only English. If I compare to Finland its really different.. Because in Finland we do study many languages and for example I study 5 languages including Finnish.
Most of the people have never been abroad. Don't know what's with this but I do find it weird because I've been to at least 17 countries.
It is normal that there are spiders in your house. And it's normal if they are not the smallest ones...
English people drive on the different side of the road. Yes you know that but I'm still looking both ways because I get confused where the car is suppose to come from..
Well there are some things that came to my mind that I find a bit weird or different haha. There are probably more things but can't remember any more right now. So I hope you liked it and have a nice week everyone!
-Hanna xx
P.S. Peter Clegg is awesome!!xxx
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